8 Tips for Trips with your Dog


The Good

Summer vacation time is here!

The Bad

Not actually bad, but you definitely have to be prepared before you load your family into the car for travel. Eight things to consider:

1) Car sickness - Couple of simple things that can help include cracking the window near where your dog is sitting, put smaller dogs in a car-safe basket so they can see out the window. When offering water, only offer room-temperature water, not hot and not cold. Hot or cold water could make your pup sick.

2) Seat belts or restraints for your pup - There are harnesses and clips you can purchase that help your dog not slide around or fall off the seat.

3) The heat inside the car - You have to find shade when you stop to go the restroom. Couple of easy ways to do this are using the restroom at a Holiday Inn Express. Park with windows half-down under the entryway to the hotel that is covered. You can also use the restroom while car is under cover at the gas filling station. Once again, remember to open the windows for ventilation.

4) The heat of concrete & pavement - It is immeasurably hotter than shade covered grass. I will post more separately. Please walk early in the morning and after sunset to protect your pup's paws. Feel the surface with the back of your hand. It can take 60 seconds for serious burns to occur.

5) Water sources for drinking - Don't give your dog cold water! That can make them sick. Carry bottle & bowl for offering water. Caution: Dog flu and other illnesses can be spread to your pet from other dogs. Don't share water and know your water source.

6) Teaching your dog to swim in dog-allowed pool - You will have to use a shaping technique. This will allow you to teach how to use the pool's steps to get in and get out safely and without panic.

7) Pet friendly hotels - Best Western, Holiday Inn Express and others set aside rooms for visitors with dogs.

8) Reptiles, insects, mammals dangerous for you and your pet - Some places, like the valley in California, warn you about rattlesnakes... Coyotes also den in residential as well as business areas in California. Be aware and don't leave your puppy out alone especially at night.

The Ugly

That would be me without makeup which I will not show you here.

Enjoy and be safe,


Risa Meynarez